Friday, April 26, 2013

Word Sketch

Brendan McMorrow
Mr. Barnes
+ English III
6 December 2012
Word Sketch
Even before the light of the Sun enters my room, I am unwilling startled into consciousness by the all too familiar sound of sirens. Shortly after rising from my slumber, the object responsible for my rude awakening is shoved into the bottom of my pocket, where it will remain for most of my waking hours. Suddenly, I feel a vibration — every so softly against my right leg — and my heartbeat quickens […]. A surge of endorphins rush through my brain as I struggle to get the slab of glass and aluminum out of its denim prison. With my hand pressed firmly against its anodized sides, my thumb brushes against against the flawless glass as it searches for the small dimple I know will bring the black slate to life. My thumb slips down onto the slightly recessed plastic circle. Suddenly, a multitude of colors bursts forth through the blackness and I see the name that was responsible for the […] vibration a few seconds earlier. My thumb […] effortlessly manipulates the vibrant light protruding from behind the wall of glass, and eventually send a message racing through the airwaves to its lucky recipient. With my mission complete, what was previously only a tool captures my full attention. The charcoal, metallic outer ring combines with the pitch black glass to form a frame that the likes of Leonardo Da Vinci would be proud to hang a painting within. However, it is merely a frame; a sideshow compared to the resplendent beauty that the display commands. The dazzling array of lights race up to meet my eyes, flooding my retina with a brilliant shower of color. I take a few moments more to soak up its elegance before I return it to my pocket, where it will rest until I can find another excuse to pull it out again.

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